When we talk about electric vehicles (EVs), the focus is often on the main lithium-ion battery pack that powers the vehicle. However, there is another crucial component that is often overlooked but plays a vital role in the overall performance of an EV – the 12-volt battery.

The 12-volt battery in an electric vehicle is responsible for powering auxiliary systems essential for the car's operation but are not directly involved in propulsion. Unlike the main lithium-ion battery that drives the vehicle, the 12-volt battery supplies energy to components such as the vehicle's lights, the heating and cooling systems, the infotainment setup and more - just like the one in your internal combustion engine car or SUV.

Electric vehicle being charged

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Additionally, this battery is crucial in the initial starting process of the car, ensuring the vehicle's computers and electronic modules are activated. Its function is to provide a consistent power source to these systems, ensuring  they operate reliably even when the main battery is not engaged. This ensures the vehicle's electrical ecosystem remains stable and efficient. 

The South African environment poses distinct challenges for the maintenance and efficiency of EV batteries, particularly the 12-volt battery. The fluctuating temperatures across seasons, from intense heat to chilly winters, can lead to faster degradation and diminished capacity of the battery.

Mercedes-Benz electric vehicle being charged

Furthermore, the nation's frequent power disruptions and voltage instability add an extra layer of stress on the battery's performance. These conditions necessitate a proactive approach from EV owners in safeguarding the health of their 12-volt battery to circumvent efficiency losses and ensure sustained functionality of the vehicle's auxiliary systems.

Identifying when a 12-volt battery is on the brink of failure is imperative for the longevity of your electric vehicle's auxiliary systems. Indicators to watch out for include dim lights, which signal a weakened battery's inability to sustain power output; a sluggish start-up, pointing to the battery's diminished capacity to energise the vehicle's electronic systems effectively; illuminated warning signals on the dashboard, which often indicate electrical malfunctions directly related to battery health; and irregularities with electronic components such as the infotainment system, which may malfunction due to inadequate power supply.

Promptly addressing these signs by testing the battery can prevent further complications, ensuring your EV remains in peak condition.

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To maintain the condition and efficiency of your EV's 12-volt battery, it is essential to follow several key maintenance steps. Regular monitoring of the battery's voltage is crucial to determine its health, along with checking for any signs of depletion in electrolyte levels which could indicate a need for topping up or replacement.

Keeping the battery terminals clean and free from corrosion will ensure a good electrical connection, preventing potential power losses. It is advisable to avoid prolonged periods of inactivity for your EV to reduce the risk of deep discharge. To further protect the battery's functionality, scheduling professional inspections and testing on a regular basis will help to identify potential issues early, allowing corrective measures to be taken before they become more serious.

Overlooking the care of your EV's 12-volt battery doesn't merely result in minor inconveniences; it harbours the potential for severe ramifications on your vehicle's functionality. Without regular maintenance, the battery may suffer from premature failure, disrupting the electrical systems that rely on its consistent power supply. Such a situation could lead to an inability to start the vehicle, rendering it immobile and necessitating emergency assistance.

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For those navigating the electric vehicle landscape in South Africa, a wealth of resources and support mechanisms are at hand to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your 12-volt battery. Authorised EV dealerships and service centres provide specialised battery testing and diagnostic services tailored to identify any underlying issues.

They also offer professional advice on maintenance schedules and preventive care tailored specifically for the unique South African climate and road conditions. Beyond formal channels, a vibrant community of EV enthusiasts and owners exists online, offering a platform for sharing experiences, troubleshooting tips, and practical advice on battery care.

Online forums, social media groups, and dedicated EV blogs serve as invaluable repositories of knowledge, fostering a supportive network where insights and recommendations are freely exchanged. Engaging with these communities can equip you with the know-how to effectively maintain your 12-volt battery, ensuring your electric vehicle remains a reliable companion on the road.

Colin Windell