The infintesmal decrease in fatalities this festive season compared to the previous year still leaves the numbers at a horrific 1 427 dead road users and that is simply unacceptable.

While the traffic authorities (and relevant Government personnel) puffed out their collective chests and told the nation what a good job they were doing, the final numbers show just 25 fewer people died this season than last season.

In a statement the Automobile Association (AA) says it remains concerned the deaths during the festive period is still too high and more needs to be done to effectively deal with road safety in South Africa.  

The number of deaths during the current period is 25 lower than the previous year and we acknowledge the efforts of law enforcers to deal more effectively with road safety. But this number is still too high, and we should guard against viewing this as a victory,” says the AA. 

"We reiterate our view heightened law enforcement over four-week period will not result in improved road safety when, for the other 48 weeks of the year, law enforcement is weak.

"According to the Minister, human factors accounted for 80% of all deaths during the festive period but this human factor – or driver behaviour – will only be changed over time and our call continues to be for government to ensure more law enforcers are made available to police our country’s roads. In addition, more education and awareness campaigns must be initiated throughout the year to prioritise road safety,” notes the AA.

The AA says urgent intervention is required to deal more effectively with road safety. Without such intervention, the AA says, the horrific road fatality numbers reported annually by the Department of Transport will simply not decrease meaningfully.

“The dire road safety situation in South Africa is a national crisis and costs the economy around R200-billion annually according to the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC). In this environment, improving road safety will benefit all South Africans and it is now incumbent upon government to act decisively to ensure the situation improves,” concludes the AA.

Colin Windell


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