It may not suit James Bond, but Aston Martin has partnered with bicycle specialist J Laverack to come up with the most advanced and engineered bicycle ever created – the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R.

It uses a fusion of parametrically designed, 3D-printed titanium lugs and sculpted carbon fibre tubes. This ensures a frame that not only delivers an exceptional blend of response and comfort but also sets new standards of elegance and beauty on two wheels. The smooth unions of the lugs and tubes are innovative and the herringboned carbon fibre weave on display is immaculate, despite the intricacy involved in manufacturing.

Oliver Laverack, Co-founder of J.Laverack Bicycles, says: “Working with the team at Aston Martin has unlocked new ideas and innovations, the application of which has created a bicycle more advanced than anything currently available on the market. Working in collaboration with Aston Martin we have not only taken our titanium bicycles to new heights but have also unlocked true innovation within the cycling industry, creating a bicycle with unparalleled levels of craftsmanship and performance engineering.

“Every component is designed to be part of the whole and to marry perfectly with the adjoining elements, achieving an unsurpassed degree of integration, which lays the foundation for the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R’s boltless design.”

The integrated four-piston brake calipers are clean sheet designs and required the development of bespoke testing equipment. As a result, there is not a single exposed cable or hose visible on the whole bicycle.

Marek Reichman, Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer at Aston Martin, adds: “The J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R is essentially a titanium hypercar on two wheels. The simple, clever genius is how we’ve fused the engineering advancements throughout the bike with a purity of performance design to deliver a viscerally exhilarating riding experience.”

Each owner will be invited to Aston Martin’s headquarters in Gaydon where a full fitting will take place with the founders of J.Laverack, providing limitless opportunity to customise their uniquely personal .1R. and they can select the same colour palettes and trim choices available on Aston Martin’s cars, providing the opportunity to pair car and bike, should they wish to.

The bicycle will be supplied with its own case, either in aluminium or carbon, which will double as both a travel solution and somewhere to display the .1R appropriately. Each .1R travel case will also include a track pump that matches the bike, featuring Alcantara or leather-covered handles, and sits securely inside the protective cases.

Colin Windell - proudly CHANGECARS