With an average of 60 stolen vehicles a day, South Africans are far too familiar with the dangers that come along with owning a car. The VW Polo, as we all know, is the most stolen vehicle.

With electric vehicles becoming more common, eventually, every car will be electric.

So why are electric cars hindering the thieves?


Have you ever wondered about the security concerns of paying your bills through an app or an RFID card? Well, there are several ways to pay your bills, but for thieves, all of these methods have one significant downside - they are linked to some form of identity. As a thief, you would want to stay anonymous, right? But with all your payments being traced and your movements monitored, it becomes nearly impossible to do so. 

Of course, electric vehicles (EVs) have a limited driving range, which means they can't go as far as their drivers might like. Unfortunately, EVs are also a target for thieves who strip them for parts or try to sell them in countries with little demand for EVs. However, this is not a profitable venture for thieves since the EV market is still growing and the value of the parts is not worth their time. Therefore, neither of these options is viable for car thieves. 

Find an electric car that hasn't been stolen, here


Fleet vehicles are usually equipped with sophisticated tracking systems that enable their location to be easily traced. These systems provide real-time updates on the vehicle's whereabouts, which can be useful for businesses that need to keep track of their assets. On the other hand, some electric vehicles also come with apps that offer a certain degree of tracking functionality. While these apps may not be as advanced as those found on fleet vehicles, they provide some insight into the vehicle's movements. However, it is worth noting that these tracking systems are not foolproof and may have limitations. Despite this, they can still be a useful tool for keeping tabs on the location of your electric vehicle.

Could be confusing

Have you ever heard of the saying "Curiosity kills the cat?" Well, it seems that it applies to thieves too! I came across a video the other day of two thieves trying to steal an automatic car, but they were unsuccessful because they didn't know how to operate it. It is quite amusing to think about but also brings forward an interesting point. In South Africa, there are not many active countermeasures against electric car theft. However, these advanced cars can be confusing to thieves, making them hesitant to even attempt to steal them. It just goes to show that technology can be a powerful ally in keeping us safe.

Will the thieves go for more electric cars?

Car theft has always been a prevalent issue, and unfortunately, it is likely to persist in the future as well. Despite technological advancements and the shift towards electric cars, criminals will always find ways to steal them and evade authorities. However, we must remember the words of Bear Grylls, who encourages us to be resourceful, adaptable, and persistent. Even in the face of challenges, we must improvise, adapt, and overcome.


Lu-Allen Kruger - Proudly CHANGE CARS